Search Results for cape verde

Travel Writer

Tema paragliding over Lima, Peru
Tema Frank has been travelling since she was 3 years old. She's been writing since not long after that.

Praia to Maio

​Sometimes there is an inverse relationship between the size of the airport and the intensity of airport security. I guess they feel the need to justify their existence. Or they are just looking for ways to make their lives more…

Tema Talks, Travels & Writes

Tema Frank: Business author; customer experience keynote speaker; world traveler

  Back in the 1980s, long before it was fashionable to reinvent yourself every few years, I found that my personality demanded it. The world is so full of wonderful things that I’ve never been able to just stick with…

Mandinga Warriors Parades

Mendinga Warriors Parade in Mindelo, Cape Verde

​Carnival is a big deal in Mindelo. They say it is 2nd only to Rio in scope. But even the weeks leading up to it are full of excitement. Part of that is the weekly parade of the Mandinga Warriors…

Le Tour de Maio

Happy fisherman in Maio, Cape Verde, town

Tema and Christophe ready to tour Maio Today Christophe loaded us into his rattling old pickup truck for a tour of the 269 square km island of Maio. It is 24 km long by 16 km wide at its largest…